Sürdürülebilir Yaşam Derneği (SUYADER)
Sürdürülebilir Yaşam Derneği (SUYADER)Sürdürülebilir Yaşam Derneği (SUYADER)Sürdürülebilir Yaşam Derneği (SUYADER)
0312 287 46 73

Our Food, Our Future

The Creating Resilient Food Systems in an Era of Crises (“Our Food, Our Future”)

Project aims to foster agroecological food production and supply activities in rural Ankara, make them resilient against the pandemic crisis we are going through, the climate crisis we are facing and possible socio-economic crises. It also aims to create a guide for agroecological food production and local food policy recommendations on the basis of field data and analyses.

Activities towards these goals include: Providing material and informational support for producers of Tahtacıörencik Natural Life Collective (TADYA) in their nature-friendly production activities, establishing a local participatory guarantee system (PGS), supporting farmers to start composting with methods suitable for local conditions, increasing the visibility of farmers in the society, creating mutual learning networks among producers, providing them training on product preparation and packaging based on food safety, promoting circular production methods using local resources, organizing producer-consumer meetings which emphasize local food and traditional cuisine values, developing production strategies, product patterns and farming calendars suitable for drought conditions for rural Ankara, and creating guideline documents containing data-based projections and food policy recommendations.

Although the general public and decision-makers often express sympathy for nature-friendly agriculture and local food webs, there are widespread opinions to the point that these methods are insufficient to meet the food demand of society and that such proposals are unrealistic. Despite the fact that much evidence to the contrary has accumulated within the past decade, these persistent opinions and attitudes constitute one of the biggest obstacles to the proliferation of agroecological models in food production and procurement. Creating data- and evidence-based reports, projections, and scenarios through an analysis of local good practices is an essential step for such a development in Ankara and in larger scales. Therefore, one of the objectives of this project is to create documents on the basis of data pertaining to human-scale, eco-friendly agricultural production and procurement activities, where sufficient data and analyses have not been brought to attention until now and to make these documents available to relevant groups and institutions for a larger scale socio-economic transformation.

For more information, please visit:


SUYADER Project Team

Sürdürülebilir Beslenme Eğitimi” ile karşınızdayız!

SUYADER olarak 2018 yılından beri sürdürülebilir yaşamın birçok alanına ait bilgileri çeşitli eğitimlerle sizlerle buluşturuyoruz. Bu eğitimlerimize, alanında uzman hocalarımız ile Suyader Akademi olarak ‘Sürdürülebilir Beslenme‘ eğitimini ekliyoruz. 4 hafta sürecek eğitimlerle ilgili detaylı bilgiyi suyadbaskent@gmail.com mail adresinden edinebilirsiniz.